Sight Words, Draw Pictures Part 5: How To Draw Polar Bear, Cat, Dog, and Parrot

Learn how to draw a polar bear, a cat, a dog, and a parrot on our 5th art-pisode of Sight Words, Draw Pictures!

Get to know some japanese words with your kids – kuma, neko, odori, osoi and Telugu words like chilika, thota, natadam, and more! Practice drawing the cool animals with our easy step-by-step guides.

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Sight Words, Draw Pictures

Sight Words, Draw Pictures (SWDP) logo
Simone Shin holding her illustrated book, Niko Draws A Feeling
Arree Chung

Sight Words, Draw Pictures and teachers Simone Shin and Arree Chung

Sight Words, Draw Pictures (SWDP) is one of our baseline courses for kids (K-2) at Creativity School. We have Simone Shin and Arree Chung, both award-winning children’s book illustrators, teaching the basics of drawing in SWDP to build foundations for our young budding artists.

SWDP is a fun and simple activity that helps our students with basic shapes, the alphabet, letter sounds, small hand skills; as well as develop life skills like independence, comprehension, and curiosity.

Let's start!


  • 1 White sheet of paper
  • Pencil
  • Colored Pencil
  • Pen
  • Eraser


List of words including: bear (kuma), cat (neko), dance (odori), slow (osoi), dog (inu), parrot (chilika), up (paina), garden (thota), planting (natadam), and hide (prema)

Step 1. Look at the list of sight words.

Numbers 1-5 have Japanese translations while 6-10 have Telugu translations.

For this activity, we’ll draw the bear (kuma), cat (neko), dog (inu), parrot (chilika), and garden (thota).

Basic shapes including circle, square, triangle, rectangle, straight line, and curved line

Step 2. Draw these basic shapes: a circle, a square, a triangle, a rectangle, a straight line, and a curved line.

Step 3. Draw animals and objects.

Numbered instructions on how to draw a polar bear

a. Let’s start with the snowy polar bear (kuma)!

  1. Draw a circle for the head and a rectangle for the main body.

  2. Draw rectangles for the legs and ovals for the feet.

  3. Draw the face.  Use circles for the eyes, triangles for the ears, a circle and  straight line for the mouth and nose, and another straight line for the muzzle.

  4. Make the body rounder using curved lines then draw zigzag lines around it for the fur.

  5. Erase the connecting lines.

  6. Draw claws on each foot for a roar-some finish!
Numbered instruction on how to draw a cat

b. Let’s draw a cuddly cat (neko)! 

  1. Draw an oval for the cat’s body. Overlap it with a smaller circle for the head.

  2. Draw rectangles for the legs.

  3. Draw the face. Use two small circles with dots inside for the eyes. Use two triangles for the ears. Draw a small circle for the muzzle, an inverted triangle for the nose, and a curve for the mouth.

  4. Draw claws on each paw.

  5. Draw fur all over the cat’s body.
Numbered instruction on how to draw a dog

c. Let’s draw a dog (inu)!

  1. Draw a rectangle with an oval inside.

  2. Draw a circle for the head, rectangles for the feet, and a curved triangle for the tail.

  3. Draw a small oval for the muzzle, then add details for the face.

  4. Erase the connecting lines.

  5. Draw ovals for the paws and add claws for details.
Numbered instruction on how to draw a parrot

d. Let’s draw the parrot (chilika)!

  1. Draw a long downward slanted oval for the body and a small circle on top for the head.

  2. Draw a long triangle for the wings and a small curved triangle for the beak.

  3. Connect the head to the body using curved lines. Draw a circle for the eye, and curved lines for the talons.

  4. Add feather details.

  5. Erase the connecting lines for a clean finish!
drawing of a cat thinking that it's a polar bear, and a dog with a parrot on its back.

Step 4. Make a story from the words and the pictures.

Once you are done with the drawing, make a wonderful story using all the words on our list!

Tips for art-mazing success:

  • Continue drawing the other words in the list.
  • You can explore drawing your characters the way you want to!
  • Color your drawings. 
  • Add other things to your drawing and make a good story out of it.

Check out these awesome drawings by our young artists at the Creativity School.

SWDP example 1
SWDP example 2
SWDP example 3

Sight Words, Draw Pictures and teachers Simone Shin and Arree Chung

Did you have fun drawing animals and learning about Japanese and Telugu words? Let us know in the comment section below. 

Get your FREE printable guide here for quick and easy access to today’s activity!

Check also these awesome blogs to learn more about Sight Words, Draw Pictures!

SWDP: How to Draw a Monkey and a Zebra

SWDP: How to Draw People

SWDP: Sea Creatures

SWDP: How to Draw a Frog, Peacock, Puddles, and a lot more!

Creative Kids Live

“We can tell that Creativity School is having a positive impact on my son’s motivation for school and his overall well-being. We know art and creativity are always boosts for academics and health! This is proving it!!!"
- Celina G.

On Demand Class

“Arree Chung, your class is fantastic! I am sure other parents would agree that Creativity School is more of a FAMILY DEAL! Because I, as a parent who has no drawing experience, learned too.”
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