How to Draw a Bear for Kids Easy Step-by-Step Guide
Here’s a roar-some easy-to-follow guide that will teach you how to draw a bear in a few easy steps!
Celebrate World Wildlife Day with your kids through arts! Draw one of the most celebrated animals and teach your kids the importance of protecting them.
Grab your pencil and paper, and let’s start!

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Learn How To Draw and Paint Animals at Creativity School!
Let’s begin the creative journey of your kids and enhance their potential this 2021!
Our award-winning artists give away free LIVE art classes from the Creativity School.
Learn how to make collages, animations, pop-up cards, draw ninjas, characters, paint, and much more!
What is World Wildlife Day?
World Wildlife Day is a special celebration held every 3rd of March that is initiated by the United Nations to raise awareness of the world’s wild animals and plants.
It’s the perfect time to spread the message to our kids the many benefits of protecting our wildlife and how it is helpful to people and the planet.
This 2021, the theme of World Wildlife Day is “Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet” and to know more about the special event, click here.
Brown Bears, the Gentle Giants

If you love teddy bears, then I am sure you’ll love to see these big and bulky gentle giants -Brown bears.
These cool animals, like humans, can stand on two legs, walk on their feet and pick up a lot of things with their fingers.
They also have the ability to communicate through scratch marks on trees, smells and sounds.
Brown bears have become prey to wildlife hunting and other conflicts with humans and were once considered endangered.
But through continuous awareness, the brown bear population has since become stable.
Learn more about brown bears here.
Let's draw a brown bear!
Bears are amazing creatures, and they’re also fun to draw!
Here are three simple step-by-step guides perfectly crafted for kids and for all ages!
Ready. Set. Draw!
- 1 White sheet of paper
- Pencil
- Colored Pencil
- Pen
- Eraser
I. Big brown bear

Step 1. Draw the body.
Draw a pear-shaped oval with a more straight line on the top and more curve on the bottom.
Add the shoulder bump.

Step 2. Draw the legs.
For the front leg, draw a straight side on the left, a curved line on the right, and a circle at the bottom end.
For the back leg, draw the lines in the opposite way. Starting from the upper body, draw the hip bump to another bump on the posterior end, down to the leg.

Step 3. Draw the back-side legs.

Step 4. Draw the head.
Draw a circle in front of the body, and a smaller circle for the muzzle then connect the two with straight lines. Draw a thicker layer for the neck.
Draw half circles for the ears and nose and tiny circles for the eyes. Next, draw a line for the mouth and a small line connecting it to the nose. Lastly, draw a curved line to shape the muzzle.

Step 5. Add zigzag textures around the body for the fur.

Step 6. Erase inside lines for a clean finish.
II. Bear cub
Bear cubs or baby bears are very easy to draw!
They have the same shapes but a bigger head and shorter legs.

III. Bear’s Face
Now that you know the basic steps on how to draw a big brown bear and a bear cub, then drawing their faces will be a breeze! Here’s a simple guide.

Tips for art-mazing success
- Add life to your bears by coloring them anyway you want!
- If you think your bear is not looking the way that it should be, do not worry! You just have to Practice! Practice! Practice! 💪
- Add different backgrounds to your bear drawings- it can be a river, a city, or in your room!
Here are some of the awesome brown bears created by our young artists at the Creativity School.

Download the FREE printable for a handy guide on how to draw a bear.
Check out more awesome wildlife animals to draw at Creativity School:
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