How to Make a House Collage for Kids in 5 Easy Steps

A house collage is a perfect way to create magical moments at home with your kids.
Do you have paper scraps, magazines, or fabrics cluttering your house? If so, let's make art out of it in 5 easy steps!
Let's be architects and create something fresh and unique that will also inspire our kids to be more imaginative and resourceful!
Learn How To Make A Collage at Creativity School!
Let’s begin the creative journey of your kids and enhance their potential this 2021!
Our award-winning artists give away free LIVE art classes from the Creativity School.
Learn how to make collages, animations, pop-up cards, draw ninjas, characters, paint, and much more!
What is a collage?
Collage is an art style of sticking various objects, such as pieces of paper, fabrics, or any sort of material you might think of, and transforming them into any form of an image.
It is one of the art forms that are most forgiving since there are no rules to follow.
You just gotta put down what you feel, whatever you want, and whatever makes you happy.
Ready? Here we go…
Materials needed:
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 glue stick or tape (preferably double-sided)
- A pile of used colored papers! Think magazines, newspapers, construction paper, or wrapping paper.
- 1 Sharpie or Magic Marker

1. Get your backdrop paper where you can put your house collage from your pile of used colored papers.
Get the pieces you want to use for the house's body, roof, chimney, greenhouse, porch, and walls, as well.
Note: You can pick any paper color for your house collage that you want!

2. Cut out a rectangle for your house's body and a square for your roof.
For a nice little chimney, cut out a small rectangle. Then trim the side of the roof; this is where you will paste the chimney.
Draw the details of “brick” on the chimney and “shingle” on the roof. Paste them all together on your backdrop paper.

3. For the front porch, lawn, and brick wall, cut out rectangles of varying sizes and glue them outside the house.
On the brick wall, draw ‘brick' details.
Note: You can draw them if you don't have the paper to add to the pieces!

4. Draw random straight lines on a paper and then cut to the form of a branched tree trunk.
For the leaves, cut a circle from another paper.
Paste together the cut-out tree trunk and leaves, and place them in the middle of the garden.

5. For the window, cut three small squares, paste them in front of the house, then add details like the frame and grills.
Draw the door to any style of your choice using markers.
Draw other features, such as smoke from the chimney, garden flowers, and ornate fences.
Tadah! There you have it, your home sweet home!
Create some more house collages now! If you want to, you can create a neighborhood.
Here are some of the house collages created at the Creativity School by our friends!

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